Vendor Web Service


To see the documentation for your service, open the VendorWebService.svc in a browser.

Service Calls

  • To call SOAP, the base of your URL will look like:
  • To call REST, the base of your URL will look like:

Note that you can change the /soap or /rest part of the URL (also known as endpoint addresses) in the Web.Config > system.serviceModel > services section.

Vendor Authentication

Requests are authenticated with a Base64 signature passed into the vendor paramenter with each request.

The signature is defined using the following syntax: username|password|datetime

The vendor must Base64-encode their vendor username and password, which you assign them, along with the current date. The datetime is only provided to keep the Base64-encoded signature changing between requests.

A sample Base64 signature for (username: vendor01, password: password) would look like: dgBlAG4AZABvAHIAMAAxAHwAcABhAHMAcwB3AG8AcgBkAHwAOAAvADIALwAyADAAMQAyACAAMQAwADoAMAA5ADoAMQAzACAAQQBNAA==